
This guide documents the C++ coding conventions used by the S2 Geometry Library. It does not attempt to justify why these conventions are used, and indeed in some cases they could be improved upon.

In general, the S2 C++ coding style is built on the Google C++ Style Guide. However it’s important to remember that the S2 library has a long history, and many parts of the library were developed before modern C++ features even existed. The S2 library has many clients both within and outside of Google (through the open source release), which can make it very difficult to adopt new conventions.

The overriding objective when adding new code should be to maintain consistency within the library. In cases where the S2 conventions conflict with the current Google style guide, the existing S2 conventions should take precedence. Changes in coding style should only be made when it is practical to adopt them across the entire library, including the important step of updating all affected clients so that any deprecated classes or methods can be removed.

The first step when adding new classes or methods should be to find similar classes or methods that already exist in the library, and then follow their conventions as closely as possible.

External Dependencies

The S2 library is built on many platforms, and has an open source version with many external clients. New dependencies should be avoided. In particular, note that S2 does not currently depend on the following:

  • GMock (except for a few files that not currently part of the open-source release). Instead please limit yourself to the more basic features of GUnit.

  • Protocol buffers.

  • Any Google maps or geo library.

  • Many features of Abseil, including StatusOr (see “Error Handling” below).


The S2 library has a flat directory structure. Generally each header file contains either a single class (plus any associated helper classes) or a collection of functions in a namespace.

Filenames should be in lowercase with words separated by underscores. Note that “s2”, “s1”, etc. are not considered to be words. Examples:

  • s2builder.h
  • s2cell_id.h
  • encoded_s2shape_index.h

For historical reasons, latlng is treated as one word even though the corresponding classes are camel-cased. For example, S2LatLngRect is defined in s2latlng_rect.h.

Files that define functions or classes within the s2shapeutil and s2builderutil namespaces include that namespace as a prefix:

  • s2shapeutil_conversion.h
  • s2shapeutil_count_edges.h
  • s2builderutil_lax_polyon_layer.h
  • s2builderutil_snap_functions.h

Classes or functions that are needed in multiple places within the S2 library but are not part of the public API can be put in header files with the _internal.h suffix. Examples:

  • s2coords_internal.h
  • s2predicates_internal.h

This can help remove clutter from the public API and also facilitate testing. Note that the internal content can be implemented in the same .cc file as the public part of the API.

“Util” header files are strongly discouraged. Instead try to break your API into meaningful components. The only remaining “util”-style header file in the S2 library is s2pointutil.h which contains about ten functions for manipulating points.


Comment Style

Please put effort into your comments; they are the most important part of your code.

Comments should be full sentences, starting with a capital letter and ending with a period. This rule applies even to partial-line comments when reasonable:

  enum IndexStatus {
    STALE,     // There are pending updates.
    UPDATING,  // Updates are currently being applied.
    FRESH,     // There are no pending updates.

For bonus points, put two spaces after your periods: contrary to popular belief, this is not some archaic convention from the days of typewriters, but rather an effort to mimic professional typography (take a close look at a book sometime).

Header Files

Public classes and methods should be thoroughly documented in the header file. Important topics to cover include:

  • Description of the problem being solved
  • Code samples showing how to use the API
  • Limitations and known problems

Requirements of classes and methods may be documented via a “REQUIRES” comment. For example:

// Encodes an unsigned integer in little-endian format using "length" bytes.
// (The client must ensure that the encoder's buffer is large enough.)
// REQUIRES: T is an unsigned integer type.
// REQUIRES: 2 <= sizeof(T) <= 8
// REQUIRES: 0 <= length <= sizeof(T)
// REQUIRES: value < 256 ** length
// REQUIRES: encoder->avail() >= length
template <class T>
void EncodeUintWithLength(T value, int length, Encoder* encoder);

The following callouts may also be useful:

  • ENSURES: properties guaranteed by the class/method.
  • DEFAULT: documents the default value of an option.
  • CAVEAT: an unexpected property or potential pitfall.
  • NOTE: to draw special attention to a comment.


Implementation details should be documented where the corresponding types or methods are defined, not where they are declared. This means that types and member variables declared in the header file should be documented there, whereas private non-inline methods should be documented in the .cc file. This convention makes it easier to find documentation when looking at code, and also makes it more likely that the documentation will be updated when implementations are changed.

Here is an example of documenting a private method in a .cc file:

// Outputs the current buffered path (which is assumed to be a loop), and
// resets the state to prepare for buffering a new loop.
void S2BufferOperation::OutputPath() {
  path_.clear();  // Does not change capacity.
  have_input_start_ = false;
  have_offset_start_ = false;

External Documentation

In addition to header file comments, significant new classes should have documentation added in the “g3doc” directory. Typically this will expand significantly on what is in the header file, giving more background information and examples. Documentation added here will be published on the s2geometry.io website.

Ideally documentation should be added and/or updated in the same changelist that adds the relevant code.


The S2 library as a whole is not defined within a namespace. (Namespaces did not even exist when it was first designed.) Instead most of the global symbols include S2 in their names (except for a few classes that use S1, R2, etc. instead.)

Nevertheless, some parts of the library do use namespaces. In general the names of namespaces should be in lowercase with words separated by underscores (e.g. s2polyline_alignment). Note that the “util” suffix is not considered a word, so we have:

  • namespace s2shapeutil { ... }
  • namespace s2builderutil { ... }

There is also a namespace called S2 that contains many of the low-level functions defined by the library (e.g. S2::TurnAngle, S2::RobustCrossProd, etc.) Note that while class names often include S2 as a prefix rather than being placed in a namespace, this convention is not typically used for global functions or constants and so these entities should be put in a namespace instead.

In general S2 does not use nested namespaces, except for internal content which may be placed in a nested namespace called internal. This technique can be used alone to protect internal content (e.g. the file s2testing.h defines some content in the S2::internal namespace) and/or with an _internal.h header file.

Using Declarations

using declarations are used extensively in .cc files in order to reduce code verbosity. This includes types and functions from the std and absl namespaces as well as aliases for nested types. For example, s2buffer_operation_test.cc has the following declarations:

using absl::make_unique;
using std::max;
using std::string;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::vector;

using EndCapStyle = S2BufferOperation::EndCapStyle;
using PolylineSide = S2BufferOperation::PolylineSide;

Note that this is allowable only in .cc files, not header files, and that using namespace declarations are prohibited.


Class names in S2 should be nouns with the first letter of each word capitalized. Examples:

  • S2Shape
  • S2LatLngRect
  • S1Angle

Short, descriptive names are highly preferred. It is reasonable to put as much thought into the names of your classes, methods, variables, etc. as you put into the code itself. Good names are essential to making APIs easier to understand.

The names of subtypes should be obviously related to their parent class. For example, S2LaxPolygonShape is a subtype of S2Shape, and s2builderutil::S2CellIdSnapFunction is a subtype of S2Builder::SnapFunction.

Index, Query, Operation

Classes in S2 should be designed so as to separate the data representation from the actual operations as much as possible.A class that contains many geometric objects for the purpose of performing operations on them should preferentially be called an Index. Such classes should define only the minimum number of functions necessary to access the data in the index. Examples:

  • S2ShapeIndex
  • S2CellIndex
  • S2PointIndex

Rather than having a single class with a wide API, prefer to have several classes or standalone functions with narrow APIs. For example, rather than having a method in S2ShapeIndex to count the total number of edges, instead there is a separate function to do this defined in s2shapeutil_count_edges.h.

A class that does something useful with an index should preferentially be called a Query, unless it can be viewed as function that maps an index to another similar index in which case it may be called an Operation. Examples:

  • S2ClosestPointQuery
  • S2ConvexHullQuery
  • S2CrossingEdgeQuery
  • S2BooleanOperation
  • S2BufferOperation

Index classes should be thread-safe but Query and Operation classes generally are not. Instead the expectation is that each thread should create its own Query objects (typically on the stack) as needed. The fact that Query classes are not thread-safe allows them to maintain internal state while executing the query and/or to cache information between queries.

Query and Operation classes typically follow one of two design patterns. One is the builder pattern, where data can be added incrementally using several method calls, and then a different method is called to compute the result. Examples following this pattern include S2WindingOperation, S2BufferOperation, S2ConvexHullQuery, etc.

The other common pattern is a pure function pattern where the arguments are supplied and the result is returned during a single function call. Examples of this pattern include S2ClosestEdgeQuery, S2ClosestPointQuery, S2ContainsPointQuery, etc. Note that even though this pattern in theory allows the query method to be stateless and therefore thread-safe, S2 classes avoid this in favor of rather allowing query objects to maintain whatever state they may need in order to make queries as efficient as possible. This means that query methods should not be const even if the current implementation of the method would allow this, since this might prevent future optimizations.

When query methods need to return several values of different types, the query method should return a result object. For example, S2ClosestEdgeQuery returns a Result object with methods such as distance(), shape_id(), and edge_id().

This technique is strongly preferred over the alternative technique of having the query object store the latest result in its own state and having methods to retrieve the result field-by-field. For example, a Result object makes it much easier to combine the results of several queries:

  auto a_result = query.GetResult(a);
  auto b_result = query.GetResult(b);
  ... do something with both results ...

Note that as long as the optimizer does its job correctly, returning a result by value does not involve any actual copying. Instead the caller passes a hidden pointer and the result is constructed directly on the caller’s stack.


Classes with options should have a nested Options class. For example, S2Builder has an S2Builder::Options class. Options classes generally consist of a set of fields with “get” and “set” methods. For example:

class S2RegionCoverer {
  class Options {

    int max_cells() const;
    void set_max_cells(int max_cells);
  explicit S2RegionCoverer(const Options& options);
  const Options& options() const;

The set methods generally return void, but it is also acceptable to return a reference to the Options object in order to allow chained initialization:

  S2Foo foo{S2Foo::Options().set_bar(x).set_baz(y)};

Options are usually read-only once the relevant object has been constructed. Classes that allow options to be modified after construction do so via a mutable_options() method:

  Options* mutable_options();

Options classes are copyable and movable.


Accessor method names are nouns, written in lowercase with words separated by underscores. Examples:

  • S1Angle::degrees()
  • S2Builder::options()

Non-accessor method names should be verbs, written in uppercase with the first letter of each word capitalized. Examples:

  • S2Builder::StartLayer(...)
  • S2Builder::Build(...)
  • S2ShapeIndex::Minimize()

Methods that return something but that don’t have an obvious verb should typically start with Get. For example:

  • S2ShapeIndex::GetShape(int id)
  • S2::GetPointOnLine(...)

If the method may return an empty set of results, the verb Find can also be used. For example:

  • S2ClosestEdgeQuery::FindClosestEdges(...)

There are exceptions for well-known geometric operations that yield objects of the same type. For example, S2Cap::Union computes the union of two S2Cap objects. This naming convention is generally reserved for low-level geometric objects such as S1Interval, S2LatLngRect, S2Cap, etc.

Methods that return boolean values (predicates) should be active verbs (e.g. S2LatLngRect::Contains()) or start with the word “is” (e.g. S2Shape::is_empty(), S2::IsUnitLength()). (Note that this convention differs from std::vector<T>::empty() for example.)

Inline Methods

Except for accessor methods, inline methods should be declared and defined separately (just like non-inline methods). Note that only the definition needs to be declared inline, not the declaration. Inline definitions should be placed at the bottom of the corresponding header file after a comment saying “Implementation details follow”. For example:

class S2PaddedCell {
  // Construct an S2PaddedCell for the given cell id and padding.
  S2PaddedCell(S2CellId id, double padding);

  S2CellId id() const { return id_; }
  double padding() const { return padding_; }
  int level() const { return level_; }

  // Return the bound for this cell (including padding).
  const R2Rect& bound() const { return bound_; }

  // Return the (i,j) coordinates for the child cell at the given traversal
  // position.  The traversal position corresponds to the order in which child
  // cells are visited by the Hilbert curve.
  void GetChildIJ(int pos, int* i, int* j) const;


//////////////////   Implementation details follow   ////////////////////

inline void S2PaddedCell::GetChildIJ(int pos, int* i, int* j) const {
  int ij = S2::internal::kPosToIJ[orientation_][pos];
  *i = ij >> 1;
  *j = ij & 1;

Constructors, Init, Factory Methods

Virtually all classes should have constructors. If the constructor parameters may be ambiguous, static factory methods should be used instead. For example, S2LatLng has the following factory methods:

  static constexpr S2LatLng FromRadians(double lat_radians, double lng_radians);
  static constexpr S2LatLng FromDegrees(double lat_degrees, double lng_degrees);
  static constexpr S2LatLng FromE5(int32_t lat_e5, int32_t lng_e5);
  static constexpr S2LatLng FromE6(int32_t lat_e6, int32_t lng_e6);
  static constexpr S2LatLng FromE7(int32_t lat_e7, int32_t lnt_e7);

Factory method names should begin with “From”, except for simple and frequently used classes where brevity takes precedence. For example, S1Angle has the factory methods S1Angle::Radians(double radians) and S1Angle::Degrees(double degrees).

Factory methods should also be used when the parameter order may be ambiguous. Examples:

  static R2Rect FromCenterSize(const R2Point& center, const R2Point& size);
  static S2CellId FromFacePosLevel(int face, uint64 pos, int level);

Complex classes that allocate memory should also have a default constructor and an Init method. This allows clients to declare instances of these classes as member variables and defer their initialization as necessary. This allows clients to avoid allocating objects on the heap and accessing them through unique_ptr<> just because the arguments needed to initialize them are not readily available in their own constructor. This not only reduces memory allocation but also increases locality of reference.

So for example, S2Builder has the following:

class S2Builder {
  // Default constructor; requires Init() to be called.

  // Convenience constructor that calls Init().
  explicit S2Builder(const Options& options);

  // Initializes an S2Builder with the given options.
  void Init(const Options& options);

  const Options& options() const { return options_; }

Factory methods that return unique_ptr<T> should be avoided, since this forces clients to allocate memory and also reduces locality of reference.



Templated types and functions are discouraged in the public parts of the API. Templated code is necessarily harder to document and understand, and the generalization that it offers is frequently overrated and underused.

Templates may be used internally when this substantially reduces code duplication or otherwise makes the library easier to maintain. For example, the S2 classes S2ClosestEdgeQuery and S2FurtherEdgeQuery are each wrappers around a templated internal class called S2ClosestEdgeQueryBase.

Distances and Angles

Distances and angles should be represented using the classses S1Angle or S1ChordAngle. S2 APIs should always use these classes in preference to accepting distances in radians, degrees, meters, etc. since it avoids the need to specify units. (Note that the S2 library operates on the unit sphere, not the Earth’s surface, and therefore the natural unit of distance is the radian.)

Whenever possible, classes should support both S1Angle and S1ChordAngle. S1ChordAngle is frequently used internally, since (1) it is much faster to compute and (2) it supports the exact distance predicates that are needed to implement algorithms robustly (see s2predicates.h). Methods that accept an S1Angle often convert it to S1ChordAngle internally.

Note that S1ChordAngle is only capable of representing distances up to 180 degrees, and that its accuracy declines for distances approaching 180 degrees. Distances which may be greater than 180 degrees, such as polyline lengths or polygon perimeters, should always be represented using S1Angle.


Small types (16 bytes or less) should generally be passed by value. This includes the following commonly used S2 types:

  • S2CellId
  • S2LatLng
  • S1Angle
  • S1ChordAngle

Types larger than 16 bytes should be passed as follows:

  • If ownership is being transferred, use unique_ptr<T>.

  • If the callee keeps a pointer to the object that outlives the function call, use const T*. For example, S2ClosestEdgeQuery keeps a pointer to its S2ShapeIndex constructor argument, so it accepts that argument by const pointer:

    explicit S2ClosestEdgeQuery(const S2ShapeIndex* index,
                                const Options& options = Options());
  • Otherwise, the parameter should be passed by const reference. Note in particular that S2Point is passed by const reference. Const pointers should not be used unless the callee keeps a pointer as outlined above.

  • The only exception to the rule above is when the callee needs to make a copy of the argument and* the given type has an efficient move operator (i.e., one that transfers ownership of data rather than simply copying it). In this case the parameter may be passed by value rather than by const reference. For example:

    class S2CellUnion final : public S2Region {
    // Constructs a cell union with the given S2CellIds, then calls Normalize()
    // to sort them, remove duplicates, and merge cells when possible.
    // The argument is passed by value, so if you are passing a named variable
    // and have no further use for it, consider using std::move().
    // A cell union containing a single S2CellId may be constructed like this:
    //     S2CellUnion example({cell_id});
    explicit S2CellUnion(std::vector<S2CellId> cell_ids);
    inline S2CellUnion::S2CellUnion(std::vector<S2CellId> cell_ids)
    : cell_ids_(std::move(cell_ids)) {

    Note that this guidance is considerably more strict than advocated by the current Google style guide. Do not pass parameters larger than 16 bytes unless (1) the type has an efficient std::move operator and (2) the callee makes a copy of the argument using std::move.

Const Value Parameters

Parameters passed by value should never be “const” in method declarations. They should only be declared const (if desired) in method definitions. For example:

class S2CellId {
  // Return true if the given cell is contained within this one.
  bool contains(S2CellId other) const;

//////////////////   Implementation details follow   ////////////////////

inline bool S2CellId::contains(const S2CellId other) const {
  return other >= range_min() && other <= range_max();

Note that most S2 code does not bother declaring local variables and parameters passed by value as “const” even when those values are not modified, since the additional documentation benefit often does not outweigh the additional code clutter.

Geometry Output

Classes that construct geometry and return it to the client should do so via an S2Builder::Layer parameter. For example, the S2BufferOperation constructor looks like this:

  explicit S2BufferOperation(std::unique_ptr<S2Builder::Layer> result_layer,
                             const Options& options = Options{});

When the client eventually calls the S2BufferOperation::Build() method, the output geometry is sent to the given result_layer. This allows the client to have complete control over how the output geometry is represented. There are various possible layer types that build different representations such as S2Polyon or S2LaxPolygonShape.

Obsolete Types

Clients are discouraged from using certain S2 classes for new code. Classes that have officially been deprecated are marked as such using the ABSL_DEPRECATED macro. Currently the only such class is S2PolygonBuilder which has been superseded by the far more robust and flexible S2Builder.

However it is important to note that the classes S2Polygon and S2Polyline are also obsolete and should ideally be deprecated at some point in the future. New code should prefer to use their S2Shape-based replacements, S2LaxPolygonShape and S2LaxPolylineShape. These new classes can be constructed and decoded far more efficiently than S2Polygon and S2Polyline, and are also capable of representing degenerate geometry if desired (which is what the Lax in their names refers to).

Error Handling

In general S2 code should try to avoid generating runtime errors.

Parameter Range Checking

If a parameter has a limited valid range, the preferred technique in S2 is to DCHECK that the parameter is valid and then clamp it to the allowed range. For example:

  class S2BufferOperation::Options {
    // Specifies the allowable error when buffering, expressed as a fraction
    // of buffer_radius().
    // REQUIRES: error_fraction() >= kMinErrorFraction
    // REQUIRES: error_fraction() <= 1.0
    // DEFAULT: 0.01  (i.e., maximum error of 1%)
    static constexpr double kMinErrorFraction = 1e-6;
    double error_fraction() const;
    void set_error_fraction(double error_fraction);

void S2BufferOperation::Options::set_error_fraction(double error_fraction) {
  DCHECK_GE(error_fraction, kMinErrorFraction);
  DCHECK_LE(error_fraction, 1.0);
  error_fraction_ = max(kMinErrorFraction, min(1.0, error_fraction));


Internal invariants should be enforced via DCHECK. This is an important aspect of both documentation and testing. For example, the following is a private method that should only be called when certain conditions are true:

void S2BufferOperation::BufferEdgeAndVertex(const S2Point& a, const S2Point& b,
                                            const S2Point& c) {
  DCHECK_NE(a, b);
  DCHECK_NE(b, c);
  DCHECK_NE(buffer_sign_, 0);
  if (!tracker_.ok()) return;

Programming errors within the S2 library should not be converted to runtime errors if at all possible.


For historical reasons, S2 defines its own error class S2Error consisting of an error code and a status message. This class is used exclusively within the library in preference to other error representations such as absl::Status. While it may be desirable to eventually convert the library to use a different error representation, the overriding principle is to maintain consistency within the library so that users (including external users of the open source version) do not need to deal with two different error representations at once.

Here is a partial definition of the S2Error class:

class S2Error {
  enum Code {
    OK = 0,                  // No error.

    // Generic errors, not specific to geometric objects:

    UNKNOWN = 1000,              // Unknown error.
    UNIMPLEMENTED = 1001,        // Operation is not implemented.
    OUT_OF_RANGE = 1002,         // Argument is out of range.
    INVALID_ARGUMENT = 1003,     // Invalid argument (other than a range error).
    FAILED_PRECONDITION = 1004,  // Object is not in the required state.
    INTERNAL = 1005,             // An internal invariant has failed.
    DATA_LOSS = 1006,            // Data loss or corruption.
    RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED = 1007,   // A resource has been exhausted.
    CANCELLED = 1008,            // Operation was cancelled.

  S2Error() : code_(OK), text_() {}

  // Convenience constructor that calls Init().
  template <typename... Args>
  S2Error(Code code, const absl::FormatSpec<Args...>& format,
          const Args&... args);

  // Set the error to the given code and printf-style message.  Note that you
  // can prepend text to an existing error by calling Init() more than once:
  //   error->Init(error->code(), "Loop %d: %s", j, error->text().c_str());
  template <typename... Args>
  void Init(Code code, const absl::FormatSpec<Args...>& format,
            const Args&... args);

  bool ok() const { return code_ == OK; }
  Code code() const { return code_; }
  std::string text() const { return text_; }

  // Clear the error to contain the OK code and no error message.
  void Clear();

  Code code_;
  std::string text_;

Errors are typically initialized using S2Error::Init(), although they can also be constructed and copied. For example:

              "Memory limit exceeded (tracked usage %d bytes, limit %d bytes)",
              usage_bytes_, limit_bytes_);

S2Error is typically passed as a pointer parameter and is required to be non-nullptr. (Note that the current Google style recommendation is to pass such parameters by reference, which precludes nullptr arguments at the expense of giving up the visible documentation hint that the argument may be modified.) Public methods typically call error->Clear() to remove any existing error, whereas private methods either set the error or leave its state unchanged.

Methods that would otherwise return void often return error->ok() instead in order to simplify client code. For example:

class S2BooleanOperation {
  // Executes the given operation.  Returns true on success, and otherwise
  // sets "error" appropriately.  (This class does not generate any errors
  // itself, but the S2Builder::Layer might.)
  bool Build(const S2ShapeIndex& a, const S2ShapeIndex& b, S2Error* error);

Client code might then look like this:

  bool DoSomething(..., S2Error* error) {
    if (!op.Build(a, b, error)) return false;

If a function has a void or other non-boolean result, the caller must check error->ok() explicitly:

  void DoSomething(S2Builder::Layer* layer, const S2Builder::Graph& graph,
                   S2Error* error) {
    layer->Build(graph, error);
    if (!error->ok()) return;


Tests should attempt to achieve excellent coverage with a minimum of code. This will usually mean writing helper functions and/or test fixtures in order to avoid code duplication. Do not be afraid to write test code with loops, multiple levels of helpers, etc., if this will result in better testing with less code duplication.

S2 tests should always be run in a debug build (not the default “fast build”) since this will give full line number information on all your stack traces. In other words, build S2 with -c dbg when you are testing new code.

Non-optimized builds also enable various internal consistency checks. This includes not only the DCHECK macros but also the --s2debug flag which enables certain internal validity checking. (This flag can also be enabled by hand if you are suspect a problem with geometry that is too large or slow to process using a debug build.)

Tests should focus on the functionality provided by your class, not the functionality of the classes that your class depends on. For example, if your class uses S2Builder then you should not write tests whose purpose is simply to verify the guarantees that S2Builder makes (which are thoroughly tested elsewhere).

Allow For Errors

Tests should generally allow for small amounts of error in their results rather than expecting an exact match. This helps to make tests less fragile, avoiding the need to update them whenever small changes to the underlying algorithms are made.

Useful Gunit helper functions include EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ and EXPECT_NEAR. It can also be useful to snap results to a fixed resolution using s2builderutil::IntLatLngSnapFunction().

“Golden” files (which compare the results of a series of operations to a “golden” result deemed to be correct) are strictly prohibited.` Such tests are inherently fragile and will break whenever the smallest details of S2 algorithms are changed.


The header file s2testing.h provides many utility functions and classes that are useful when writing tests. In addition the distance-related functions mentioned above, there is extensive support for generating random geometry of various kinds.

Support code for writing tests can also be found in the following files:

  • thread_testing.h
  • s2shapeutil_testing.h
  • s2closest_edge_query_testing.h


S2 tests are not allowed to depend on s2earth.h (which provides basic functionality for converting distances on the Earth’s surface to S2-compatible types). Instead tests should use the even more basic functionality provided in s2testing.h. For example:

  S1Angle tolerance = S2Testing::MetersToAngle(1);

Randomization and Robustness

S2 makes heavy use of randomized tests. This is particularly useful as a way to test robustness guarantees. Typically, a specialized function is written to generate test cases that are very likely to trigger problems, and then a large number of cases are checked for correctness. Here is an example:

// Chooses a random S2Point that is often near the intersection of one of the
// coodinates planes or coordinate axes with the unit sphere.  (It is possible
// to represent very small perturbations near such points.)
S2Point ChoosePoint() {
  S2Point x = S2Testing::RandomPoint();
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
    if (S2Testing::rnd.OneIn(3)) {
      x[i] *= pow(1e-50, S2Testing::rnd.RandDouble());
  return x.Normalize();

TEST(S2, ProjectError) {
  for (int iter = 0; iter < 1000; ++iter) {
    SCOPED_TRACE(StrCat("Iteration ", iter));
    S2Testing::rnd.Reset(iter);  // Easier to reproduce a specific case.
    S2Point a = ChoosePoint();
    S2Point b = ChoosePoint();
    S2Point n = S2::RobustCrossProd(a, b).Normalize();
    S2Point x = S2Testing::SamplePoint(S2Cap(n, S1Angle::Radians(1e-15)));
    S2Point p = S2::Project(x, a, b);
        p, a, b, S1ChordAngle(S2::kProjectPerpendicularError)), 0);

Note the use of SCOPED_TRACE so that any failing iterations can be identified. This is obviously only useful if the random number seed is deterministic, which is one reason that S2Testing defines its own random number generator available as S2Testing::rnd. Tests should not use random number generators with non-deterministic seeds, since this makes problems impossible to debug.

Also note the use of S2Testing::rnd.Reset(iter) which allows a specific failing test case to be reproduced more easily by simply replacing ‘iter’ by the failing iteration number. (Note that most S2 code actually calls rnd.Reset(iter + 1) because it turns out that rnd.Reset(0) and rnd.Reset(1) have the same effect.)

Observe the use of S2Testing helper methods such as RandomPoint and SamplePoint. Also note the use of pow(10**x, S2Testing::rnd.RandDouble()), which produces a value whose exponent is uniformly distributed between “x” and 0. This is a useful technique for generating numbers that are well-distributed over a wide range of magnitudes.